Who they are: Seekers are individuals, companies, or entities looking to enter or expand within the African market. They could be international businesses, investors, or organisations in need of credible partnerships, service providers, or investment opportunities.
What they do: Seekers use ADD™’s platform to locate and verify providers they wish to engage with. They seek detailed due diligence to ensure that the businesses or services they are interested in are legitimate and dependable.
Significance: Seekers are integral to the platform as they drive demand for verification, helping ensure that their investments or business ventures are based on solid, trustworthy information, thus minimising risks.
Who they are: Providers are Individuals, businesses or service entities in Africa offering products, services, or investment opportunities. They range from local enterprises to larger corporations.
What they do: Providers present their offerings on the ADD™ platform and submit themselves to verification by trusted third parties. This transparency allows them to showcase their credibility and integrity to potential seekers.
Significance: For providers, verification is a critical tool to prove their legitimacy to potential international partners. It helps them establish trust, thus facilitating easier access to new opportunities and markets.
Who they are: Verifiers are independent entities responsible for the due diligence process. They can be individuals or organisations with expertise in legal, financial, or operational vetting.
What they do: Verifiers perform thorough checks on providers, ensuring that the information they present is accurate, reliable, and transparent. This might include confirming business registrations, legal standing, financial health, and overall reputation.
Significance: Verifiers maintain the integrity of the ADD™ platform. Their role is fundamental in safeguarding seekers' confidence by ensuring that only verified providers are recommended, helping to mitigate the risk of fraud or unreliable ventures.
Each country has a Master Verifier, who has other sub-verifiers up to 4 tiers in different parts and regions of the country (particularly for Africa).
Verification levels are : BASIC (registration), STANDARD (BASIC+ POI + POA), ADVANCED (STANDARD + Other Statutory + ADD Account Holder Referee), ENHANCED (Advanced + visit+ Specific Requests)
When a verification process is initiated, depending on the level of verification and your country’s regulations, the process can be completed electronically (particularly for Seekers outside of Africa) using our strategic KYC/KYB partner in some cases. In most cases (particularly in Africa), the local verifier might be needed to conduct/perform other functions within the process. Please view step-by-step video guide.
Our platform/app allows for an individual to be both depending on what functions they intend to undertake.
When you register and request for verification, this request is automatically sent to the verifier that is closest to your registered address. In a case where further physical visit is require or documents needs to be notarized or other, the verifier will contact you.
we work with world’s leading regtech firm that is fully compliant with all regulations and compliance practice. They protect and manage your data.